My heart bleeds for all those who try to defend Resist with all available force but find no end No solution for decades and still generation Get slaughtered for the want of good relation We want no waves of freedom from land of liberty Leave us behind to the mercy of almighty We never want the fake meaning of democracy Where on the name of God is imposed autocracy Many have shed blood for upholding of liberty There is history behind where we can find quality They were the people who laid down their lives Where are we today in this trouble torn world to believe? Have you never felt that you are paying very dearly? Not for liberty of others and making room readily? Is that you profess about human right’s violation? Is there any connection between gruesome murders in relation? Stop policing other’s land on the name of democracy? We all know it is only national wealth that is needed by you Why then all hypocrisy to fool the domestic people? Do they know what all you do in the name of on going struggle? How many young people lost their lives abroad? Why are they called missing or simply dead? What purpose did they serve in the name of motherland? I sweat and cry for their place in holy land I know world may stand where it is today It may have more bloodshed in a way That may suit their narrow interest We can only dream and pray for the best
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