Labor day


Labor Day


The geese have begun there formation, practicing everyday.

The leaves are beginning to loosen and too soon they will pull away.

But not before being painted with oh so vibrant hues.

Summer winds catch their last breadth in a heated dance.

Willows sway in a mournful stance.

Night owls rehearse the words for their final song.

Fall prepares for the center stage, it won't be long.


The light heartedness of summer is slowly setting like the sun.

Fading like the summer sun, slowly sinking on the horizon,

It will have its last hoorah as the docks are removed and boats rest in waiting.

Shrink wrapped in a blanket of plastic and silently anticipating.


The rush of Fall whirls in with smells of pumpkins and warm sweaters.

Leaves fall to the ground leaving corresponding with summer folks reduced to facebook and email letters.

The memories keep us holding on through fall, winter and spring.

With next summer's silent promise of good times renewing.



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