C is for Courageous, you'll find it to be contagious. Our baby boy continues to amaze us.         A is for Able-bodied, he keeps kicking ass like karate. Love, strength and honor is what he taught me.                                                                                                                                                                               S is for Sacrifice, everything we have done and we'd do it twice. Trade me for him, take my life. H is for Handsome, lovable little one. Fighting off this cancerous phantom.                                           I is for Improbable, they told us this cancer was unstoppable. So show kid and make it through.                                                                                                                                                                                U is for United, the three of us god guided. If there is a way we'll find it.                                                  S is for Surprise, sure as the blue skies, always and forever this child survives.

By Brady Logan

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