Awaiting the weekend...

Awaiting the weekend...

You sit there, waiting for it to come
Days pass...
You are in the middle - Wednesday
God make the time pass quicker please!
Suddenly you realize its Friday
5pm, you go home... something special is going to happen
Something special? Oh really? Like what?
Friday night passes
You realize it's the middle of Saturday...
Would be good to do something constructive...
Like washing, tidying up... but what's the point
Why would you do it? Who would you do it for?
For yourself? Nah maybe later, maybe some other time
Evening comes... would be good to go out
But with who? No one here around, friends are busy, others can't be bothered
So you sit trying to enjoy those best moments of ‘freedom' from work
And so it passes
Sunday is pretty much the same
Only one thing which is different
The feeling... that you need to go back to work the next day...
And so the story begins...
Awaiting the weekend...

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