Loving thee


let me count the days

that we have loved

from the day we met

the day of my birth

to this current day

upon the earth

though i feel

we would love each other still

if we were in space

and i hope i am not out of place

in saying that you would love me

were we from another planet

in any culture, or “civilization”

I feel our spirits would collide

and cohere

for both are lacking several

valance electrons

therefore we have a tendency to stick

to other pieces needing completion

and together is better and just as well

for we fill each others outer shell

two atoms in this atomic universe

spinning forward in reverse

sharing our electricity

and our individual eccentricities

protons being quite proactive

probably why to each other we're attracted

neutrons not mattering much

keeping us stable

level and such

our quarks who knows

they are spirit i suppose

guiding us to find each other


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