I wish I had a little elf
To help me with the house each day;
To chop the wood and gather hay;
To work beside me while I clean -
I’d never, ever treat her mean.

I wish I had a little elf
To boil the kettle for my tea
And sit the evening on my knee.
She’d make me laugh and make me smile
And lay beside me for a while.

And if my elf desired to go
I’d thank her for the time we had
And never say that she was bad;
I’d help her all her things to pack
And load her bag upon her back.

But if my elf should choose to stay
I’d hold her close and hug her tight;
I’d keep her warm all through the night.
My elf and I would work the day
And after sunset we would play.

I wish I had a little elf…

Kim Helen James
5 January 2009

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