Driving alone in the Monts de Blond


I drive alone down misty roads
where the morning’s frost still lingers
on the earth, grass, leaves unreached
by the feeble winter sun
whose fingers slowly withdraw
into the white blankness
of unmoving air.

The road bends as it climbs between
the shadowed pines and
leaping across the road
two roe deer, almost always two,  
run from the shrouded trees
slowing my progress as I scan for more
to disappear again in depths of forest.
Higher the road climbs these mystic hills
higher still until the sky appears
that clear blue dry-air winter sky
full of all light but now bereft of warmth.

I think of home, as I clear the misty hills,
mystic still but now illuminated
by the light of memory, of love departed,
thoughts of you beside me
almost always you beside me.
As I drive alone out of the higher ground
the frost still lingers but the feeble sun
has banished the obscuring mists
full of all light but still
bereft of warmth.

Kim Helen James

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Comments (1)

  1. Kim JAMES

The Monts de Blond are a small range of hills near Limoges. They have been a centre of rural population since neolithic times as evidenced by the number of dolmens, standing stones and rock shelters. The hills often burst through lowlying weather...

The Monts de Blond are a small range of hills near Limoges. They have been a centre of rural population since neolithic times as evidenced by the number of dolmens, standing stones and rock shelters. The hills often burst through lowlying weather in the surrounding countryside.
Roe deer do appear infrequently and if one crosses the road it is wise to wait for often there is a second or a third. My wife and I were often to gether in the car when we drove out.

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